Monday, April 14, 2008


Hello, World! I'm can't remember when I posted anything lately, so I'll try to give a good update.

At Zachary's 4 month check up he was 13lbs. 5oz. and 23.5" long. He's moved up to the 10th percentile! (And we thought he was getting huge.) He's definately got some chubby going on! A week ago he started laughing! He is a VERY happy baby...smiling and laughing all the time. And talking up a storm! Especially to his "bugs". (Toys that look like bugs.) He still loves the bathtub and car rides.

Adam is seeing results from his workout program. That's encouraging him to keep at it. He's getting up early in the morning to do it before work...that way Sheena can get some needed break and work time in herself after he gets home. Adam is going to start picking up some odd jobs here and there as they are available.

Sheena is in training becoming a Beauty Consultant! This has been very exciting for us as she NEEDS to get out of the house and make new friends. And what better way for the Party Planner to play than to throw parties! (Go figure.)

We are looking forward to Zach's baby dedication at Whipple Creek on Mother's Day! Also, our friends Jon and Carly from Multnomah are visiting us with their beautiful daughter in a couple of weeks!

I (Sheena) was trying to think of something philisophical to add, since I've been thinking very hard lately. There is a lot jumbling around in my head, but pretty much it's mostly superficial right now. SO, if I can verbalize (can you call it verbalizing if you are writing it and not talking?) I will let you know.